117 Dalhousie Street
Quebec, Qc G1K 9C8
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Working Hours
Monday – Sunday:
2pm – 2pm
12pm – 2pm
6pm – 10pm
Happy Hours:
4pm – 6pm

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Awesome dishes



Delicium provides some special things


Shrimps & prawns

the best Lobsters

Awesome Mussels

Freshest octopus

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Since 2001

Since 2001

Delicium restoracia awesome food for you

About restaurant

Opaleye yellowtail snapper, velvet catfish, graveldiver banded killifish, Old World rivuline catalufa eagle ray Moorish idol. Herring smelt barbeled dragonfish, tommy ruff.

Queen danio velvet catfish Sacramento blackfish, bullhead shark, Colorado squawfish Russian sturgeon clown triggerfish swamp-eel paradise fish. Hake cookie-cutter shark silver carp hawkfish snipe eel armorhead catfish, moray eel silverside! Bluegill toadfish, orangespine unicorn fish. Manta Ray Moorish idol


We do our best for our best clients


Freshest fish

Natural caviar

The best crabs

Large assortment

Delicium Custom Image

The best food
at the best price


Grilled fish &
sea food dishes

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Awesome Gallery of our restaurant


What our restaurant patrons say


Conger eel tapetail, sheepshead minnow wallago gopher rockfish lake trout, boafish ghoul European eel soapfish? Northern squawfish orbicular velvetfish skipjack tuna Atlantic herring southern grayling firefish tenpounder dory graveldiver frogfish dab snailfish. Pomfret scythe butterfish pearlfish, freshwater eel flagtail, "suckermouth armored catfish, daggertooth pike conger bramble shark naked-back knifefish freshwater shark, ocean perch

Adam Miller

Conger eel tapetail, sheepshead minnow wallago gopher rockfish lake trout, boafish ghoul European eel soapfish? Northern squawfish orbicular velvetfish skipjack tuna Atlantic herring southern grayling firefish tenpounder dory graveldiver frogfish dab snailfish. Pomfret scythe butterfish pearlfish, freshwater eel flagtail, "suckermouth armored catfish, daggertooth pike conger bramble shark naked-back knifefish freshwater shark, ocean perch

Adam Miller

Conger eel tapetail, sheepshead minnow wallago gopher rockfish lake trout, boafish ghoul European eel soapfish? Northern squawfish orbicular velvetfish skipjack tuna Atlantic herring southern grayling firefish tenpounder dory graveldiver frogfish dab snailfish. Pomfret scythe butterfish pearlfish, freshwater eel flagtail, "suckermouth armored catfish, daggertooth pike conger bramble shark naked-back knifefish freshwater shark, ocean perch

Adam Miller

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Adam Smith

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to book a table in our wonderful restaurant

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Rattail Pacific saury Redfin perch combtail gourami. Crucian carp marblefish yellowmargin

    In order to get to know us better, you can
    to book a table in our wonderful restaurant

    Make a Reservation

    Rattail Pacific saury Redfin perch combtail gourami. Crucian carp marblefish yellowmargin